CROERadio is an extension of CROE TV Productions that was established in 1994 by Executive Producer and Host Munir Muhammad to provide a forum for dialogue to increase community awareness. Since its beginning, CROE TV has become a full production facility that produces local programming for Chicago and around the country. CROERadio takes pride in providing programs that can’t be found anywhere else-thought provoking, educational, and engaging. We have given our guests an unedited voice to present their issues.
CROERadio Production Studio is located at 2433-35 West 71st Street (CROE Lane) in the West Englewood community. We are pleased to be a beacon of light and hope to community residents that have never had the opportunity to see and learn about video production.
A Radio Station dedicated to The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and play nothing but Elijah Muhammad messages from him and his students.
CROE Continues To Expands Listening Audience
CROERadio continues to expand its listening audience by utilizing modern technology to get the message of the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad to people across the world.
CROE continue to work diligently and maintain its commitment to preserving the history of the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam. We hope that you not only continue to watch and listen, but support our cause as we provide the community with vital information that will ultimately save lives!